What we provide

In a very small nutshell, here is what 6T Brothers & TECSB can provide you with:

A front-end system that allows your Salesman / Customer Service to do booking & planning for home delivery , then to track each delivery planning/actual delivery time + & status with picture proof via online.
A backend system
  • That runs parallel with your Inventory & Delivery Order system for warehouse operations to do DO printing, picking & dispatch planning & control.
  • Customer booking /KIV/Postpone/ Scheduling / problematic delivery.
  • Warehouse DO processing, Goods Return mngt.
  • Transporter Daily Duty Roster / billing / Trucks Black Oil+Water/Metering Checking / Routine Servicing monitoring of each truck, also deliveryman incentive calculation report.

Practically, it does everything but NOT drive your trucks, literally. Hundreds of features all driven directly from our home delivery experience - well tuned and specific for the Malaysian home delivery industry.

A driver software
  • The capability to press a button to CALL / SMS/ Whatapps to customer + support team / RE-TIME delivery slot on the road, take picture for proof of delivery and update delivery issue/status to server instantly.
  • And interact with all involving parties in that particular delivery via smartphone to ensure delivery done.
A secure and reliable fully managed data backbone provided by Total Exact Consulting Sdn Bhd. That means real-time backups, scalability, and 99.9% uptime. We handle all the geeky IT stuff.
A Home Delivery Team (Optional) Our experience Home Delivery team had worked with Harvey Norman(12 yrs) , Jusco(AEON 9 yrs), AEON BIG( 1 yrs), BO CONCEPT (5 yrs), who are good in delivery & product installation, then equipped with 6T DMS system. We have 30 trucks all are own employee & min SUB-CONTRACTOR.